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Friday, February 20, 2009

The Power of Perception

By Success Coach Justin Popovic

In last week's newsletter, I delivered a video presentation about the power of attitude and how we can literally choose our attitude to obtain a specific goal or result in life.

As mentioned, attitude truly is the last of human freedoms. It is the one guarantee in life and the only thing we have complete and total control over. When choosing your attitude, it is important to understand exactly how we as people think and how we can influence our own thoughts.

Perception is literally a function of our conscious mind. Every person sees the world through their own set of filters and perspectives. At the same time, we can shift our perception to "see" the world from a totally different perspective. Some people may be more optimistic in nature while others are generally pessimistic. Some see doom and gloom while others see hope and opportunity. The only difference is their perception.

What are some events or circumstances that you are currently facing in your life that appear negative or difficult? For a moment, switch your perspective and look at the situation through the eyes of someone else. If you have a financial problem, try to picture how Richard Branson would approach your problem. If you have a family problem, how can you transcend the problem and make turn it into an opportunity to connect with those people who are close to you?

The point is, your personal power comes from your ability to perceive the world in a way that works for you. You can always choose to "look for the good" in any situation.

I have not yet seen a better example of the power of perception than the following video. Watch how you can literally look at the same thing from 2 totally different angles. The first perspective makes you feel sad and depressed while the second perspective makes you feel happy and alive!


Anonymous said...

Awesome video. Thanks for posting this

Justin Popovic said...

My pleasure! I've watched the vid about 5 times now. It is really quite brilliant

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